Original artwork by Sarah Dutt
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All in a Day’s work references the history of Indenture from India to the sugar plantations in Trinidad (1845-1917) and Fiji (1879 - 1916) during the 19th and early 20th century. In collaboration with her family the artist is researching what life was like for her ancestors as they navigated the indenture systems in the British colonies. All in a Day’s Work reflects the expected ‘full task’ Girmitiya were to complete in order to fulfil their contract. According to Totaram Sanadhya in his personal account ‘My Twenty-One Years in the Fiji Islands’ this equated to between 1,200 to 1,300 feet long and six feet wide of weeding with a hoe. The work was so physically demanding that only 5% of Girmitiya could complete their work in a day.
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Sarah Dutt | All in a Day’s Work
Triptych of (3) pieces
Acrylic, gouache and gesso on wood
1435 x 825 x 77mm ( all Panels together side by side)